A public sandbox is available for testing our API and ClearChecks Connect products. The full sandbox console shows all your sandbox requests and test data responses.
All of the functionality on production is available in sandbox mode for ordering, completing applications, checking status, and viewing reports. Use the testing data below to generate variations of reports with clear reports, criminal records, valid/invalid checks.
Additionally, in the sandbox environment you are allowed to generate unlimited orders and background reports for testing.
Developers may create sandbox account without placing an order or requiring billing information. We encourage you to test our API and integrate it into your company's services! Click the link below to create an account and get API keys.
Create Developer & Sandbox Account
Sandbox enforces https SSL
Console |
The following data can be used to complete an applicant form and return a desired result in the console or in the GET
Report method.
Applicant First Name | Applicant Last Name | Response |
| Generates a report with a national criminal record |
| Generates a report with a county-level criminal record |
| Generates a report with a Federal criminal record |
Applicant Driver's License Number | State | Response |
Applicant First Name | Applicant Last Name | Response |
| Generates a report with a positive 5-panel drug test |
| Generates a report with a negative 5-panel drug test |
Select School Name in Dropdown | Response |
| By default, any employer name and date except below will return employment verified |
| Generates a report with unverified employment |
Select School Name in Dropdown | Response |
| By default, any school selected except below will return a verified degree |
| Generates a report with unverified education degree |
Applicant First Name | Applicant Last Name | Response |
| Generates a report with a bankruptcy record |
| Generates a report with a lien record |
| Generates a report with a judgement record |
Background Checks