Prioritizing Customer Service

July 19th, 2022

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. You buy a new product or sign up for a new service, and it’s all rainbows and butterflies for the first few weeks. But then, you have a problem. And when you go to customer support for help, it’s like hitting a brick wall.

It’s frustrating, it’s time-consuming, and it makes you never want to use that product or service again.
But what if customer support was amazing? What if they were able to resolve your issue quickly and efficiently, without making you feel like you were talking to a robot? Amazing customer support is essential for businesses because it can make the difference between a one-time customer and a lifelong fan.

What Separates Good Customer Support from Great Customer Support?

Great customer support is all about creating a positive experience for the customer. It’s about going above and beyond to ensure that they are satisfied with your product or service. It’s about offering them a helping hand when they need it and making sure that their issue is resolved in a timely manner.

It’s also about making sure that the customer feels valued, appreciated, and respected throughout the entire process.

Put it this way, you know when you receive GREAT customer support. 

The Benefits of Amazing Customer Support

Amazing customer support has countless benefits for businesses, both big and small. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it leads to happier customers.

And when your customers are happy, they’re more likely to keep using your product or service, and they’re more likely to tell their friends and family about your business.

In fact, according to a study by American Express, 58% of customers say they would never do business with a company again after just one bad experience.

That means that if you want to keep your customers happy, you need to make sure that your customer support is up to par.

Another benefit of amazing customer support is that it can help you save money in the long run. How? Well, happy customers are less likely to demand refunds, leave negative reviews, or file complaints with the review sites. In other words, they’re less likely to cost you money.

Additionally, happy customers are more loyal to brands, which means they’re less likely to switch to a competitor. In fact, studies have shown that it costs six times as much to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one.

Finally, amazing customer support can help you collect valuable feedback from your customers.

Complaints can actually be helpful because they give you an opportunity to learn about areas where your product or service could be improved. And if you’re able to turn a negative experience into a positive one, you’ll not only keep that customer happy but also improve your chances of attracting new ones.

How ClearChecks Provides Industry Leading Customer Support

So now that we know why amazing customer support is so important, let’s take a look at how ClearChecks provides world-class assistance. 

First and foremost, we make sure that we’re responsive to customers’ needs. That means having multiple channels of communication and being available for a full work day. Customers should be able to reach you by phone, email, or chat, or social media, and they should be able to get ahold of someone anytime they need help. All of our agents are salaried, full-time, domestic employees. 

Second, we train our team members on how to handle customer inquiries and complaints. They know how to stay calm under pressure and how to de-escalate difficult situations. They are also intimately familiar with our products and services inside and out so that they can answer any questions that come their way. Often times our customers run into issues beyond our control (think Covid court closures or an unresponsive candidate). Sometimes a “no” is not the desired outcome, but it also doesn’t equate to poor customer service. 

Lastly, we set up systems and processes so that issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently. That means having a knowledge base where customers can find answers on their own or routing inquiries to the right team member so that they can be resolved in a timely manner. Between all channels of support, we have a 92.4% first-touch resolution success rate. 

The Bottom Line

When it comes down to it, fantastic customer support is essential for businesses because it leads to happier customers, increased loyalty, and improved profitability. If you want your business to succeed, make sure you’re providing the best possible customer support. ClearChecks provides white-glove support for every customer of every size. Join us!