Category: State Laws

Montgomery County, MD Amends Ban-the-Box Legislation

On November 20, 2020, the Montgomery County, Maryland Council approved amendments to its 2014 “ban-the-box” legislation.  The original legislation (Bill 36-14) prohibited employers with 15 or more full-time employees in Montgomery County from conducting a criminal background check of a job applicant, or otherwise inquiring about the criminal or arrest history of an applicant, prior to the completion of a first interview.

New York City Expands Scope of its Ban-the-Box Law

On December 10, 2020, the New York City Council passed bill Int. 1314-A, which significantly expands the scope of New York City’s “ban-the-box” law, the New York City Fair Chance Act (FCA).

Columbia, South Carolina Limits Inquiries About Applicants’ Criminal and Salary Histories

Columbia, South Carolina passed an ordinance effective August 6, 2019,1 limiting employers’ use of criminal background checks and banning employers from inquiring about salary history on job applications.  South Carolina’s capital city is the latest locality to pass such a measure, following several others that passed similar ordinances within the past year.2